Monday, August 25, 2014

Module 1: Construct, theory, item

The word research is derived from two words - Re and search. So research means repeated search. In Psychology, research is very complex as it deals with things that can not be touched and manipulated through eye-hand co-ordination or chemical analysis like physical sciences. The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English lays down the meaning of research as " a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge". In Psychology,  these new facts are new events or phenomena. In doctoral dissertation,  researcher tends to explore it and describe through constructs.
It is the abstraction of concept. Construct should be operationally defined so that one can objectively measure it. For example, David Wechsler defined intelligence as aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully,  to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment.
When  set of concepts are coherently related and explain certain phenomenon, it becomes theory. For example,  learning occurs through conditioning or through trial and errors or through insight indicate three basic learning theories of psychology.
For example, learning is defined as  the relatively or permanent modification of behaviour through practice and experience. Or Intelligence is the  as defined by Wechsler in 1944.
This definition cleary delineates  what is learning, it's measurement characteristics,   how it takes place. Besides, it focuses on measurements stating relatively or permanent change. To describe the psychological phenomena,  three things are important. These are :
A) Antecedents : It is the determinant of behaviour.  In research, it is called explanatory variable as it explains the reasons of behaviour. For example,  learning is caused by practice and experience.
B) Behaviour : it is the well defined measurable action. It varies with individual and situation characteristics.
For example, one learns more quickly than other due to prior experience.
C) Consequence: It is
a) Event : Event should be researchable so that other can create it. It should be simple, precise and concise.
; b) the cause; c) the effect
Learning also occurs by age. But definition does not cover age as learning is independent of age.
CONSTRUCT :  is th Construct e abstraction of concept.
So, construct is understood t  hrough definition. Like lear
In the definition of learning, the statement  'relatively or permanent modification of behaviour through practice and experience' is the concept.  So, concept is understanding of experience.
When  set of concepts are coherently related and explain certain phenomenon, it becomes theory. For
      Researchers use different methods for development of theory. Common metods of research are experimental, observation, and survey. Psychological questionnaire is used in survey method. Aim of Psychological questionnaire is to describe different components of mental functions, to explore determinants and consequences and prediction of mental functions. So it is a device that is used to understand individual difference in mental functions. Here indi. vidual difference means both intra and inter differences
between individuals, between groups, individual and group differences.
intra and inter individual, group and individual

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